Bucket List

Aug 29, 2015

Western Sun

Hello there,

so I am back in Houston and let me tell you that those 7 days of Au Pair Adventures' Western Sun Tour was freaking amazing.
Not only the guide was very funny and cool, but the girls I spent 8 days with were incredible! It felt like we've been friends for months or even years and I am so sad because I'll never know when I will have the chance to see them again! (And that we probably won't see our tour-guide Matty B. again!)


Since I am not in the mood to write too much, here are some pictures for you guys! (Only a few!)

Day 1:

Day 2:

Yosemite Park

Days 3/4:

(with Herbert the lizard!)

Day 5:

Day 6:

Lake Havasu

Day 7:

You'll see the rest of the pictures when you're visiting me in Germany :p

Lot's of love.

Anica (B-Squad Cheerleader Dancing Queen)


Aug 9, 2015

Take me down into the paradise.

Hello there,

I know, I know it has been over a month since I've last updated, but come on everything is a usual routine now and I don't see any sense in uploading completely random bullshit which bores everyone to death. ;)

So excuse me, but I don't feel sorry this time! 

So what is the title supposed to mean?

WELL, in only twelve days I am off to my CALIFORNIA vacation with Au-Pair-Adventures which is going to be pretty close to what I imagine as my paradise so I guess, I'm ready for it!

Here is the route that we are going to follow for 8 daaays! :D

I bet you're jealous and you know what? 
3 states, 8 cities, 8 days of fun and hundreds of memories!

So well since I've only have like 44 days until my flight to Germany is scheduled I guess I just enjoy being around here for one more month.

See you soon xx

Anica (cowgirl)

Jul 1, 2015

A good soul.

Hey there!

So today I decided to go to the park with my little baby girl which is obviously nothing spectacular and worthy mentioning in my blog. I do agree with you here, but on my way to the park I've met a strange, odd, but really lovely older lady which didn't stop talking to me for twenty minutes. (Scarlett was clearly annoyed that this woman kept her from going to the park, but being a polite and shy little girl as she is, she kept quiet.)

Anyways why would I mention a conversation in my blog?
Well, let me tell you what happened. (It's better than not updating my blog at all I guess!)

Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (This is going to be in a third person's perspective because well I thought why not writing this conversation like a little story, huh?)

The moment Anica and S. went around the corner of Cortlandt St, a friendly appearing lady who was dressed in a blue summer dress, cowboy-boots and a cowboy-hat caught their eyes and she gave them a weak, but still lovely smile. The sun burning onto their skins, making it unbearable to walk through the heated air of Houston.
"Hello", the woman greeted the two girls and Anica smiled softly, greeting her back. This was one of the thing she really loved about the Americans. Wherever you go or whoever crossed your way, people greeted each other. Even if it was only a hello or a good morning, it was a nice gesture.
"The weather yesterday was horrible, wasn't it?", the older lady asked and Anica nodded while she kept walking. Not because she was being rude, but because she wanted to go to the park as quickly as possible before they needed to head back home. She had a tight schedule this morning. 
"The government should've warned the people because of the flooding. The whole street was under water and the people drove their cars, not knowing what to expect", the woman said while crossing the street, making her way over to Anica and S. who was sitting in the stroller, staring at the woman with squinty eyes. A thing she did when a stranger approached them. Anica stopped immediately, knowing that she should exchange some words with the lady who obviously tried to start having a small talk with her.
"Yeah it was horrible", Anica shrugged and the woman gave her a small smile. 
"I mean what if something had happened? Who would've been responsible for the accidents? If you ask me, the government would've been, but no one would ever dare to blame the state", the woman said, annoyance in her voice and disappointment flickered through her blue eyes. 
"That's life isn't it?" Anica said, her voice calm and the lady gave her a bright smile.
"Yeah I guess. What's your name?"
"Anica? That's a lovely name. I've never heard it before", the woman said while approaching the two girls until she stopped in front of Anica, looking at her with the same smile on her face.
"Well. I'm from Germany. Maybe that's why", Anica shrugged again and then astonishment traveled through the lady's eyes. 
"My great, great grandfather was in love with Germany", she said and Anica gave her a soft smile. 
Why was she still talking to me? Couldn't she see that I was on my way somewhere? I mean I don't want to be rude or something, but S. is getting restless. (Anica's thoughts!)
"My name is Heather", she introduced herself and Anica told her that it was nice meeting her. 

"What's her name?", Heather asked, gesturing to S. who was still giving the lady her squinty eyes before turning her head to the other side, staring at the flowers.
"Scarlett", Anica's answer was short and the lady dramatically put a hand over her heart which caused Anica to roll her eyes before giving the lady another smile.
"Anica and Scarlett. Those are two very beautiful names", she said and Anica thanked her for the nice words, making another step forward to gesture that she really needed to go.
"Do you know those people who feel young, but are trapped into old people's bodies?", the woman asked while walking beside Anica, falling into her steps as they walked along 14th street. At least a progress in heading to the park's direction. 
Why is she asking me this? Damn, this conversation just turned into something really weird. 
"Yes", Anica breathed while waiting for the traffic light to turn green so she could cross the street. The woman still standing next to her, never keeping her eyes off of Anica.
"That's what I feel like. I feel like I am in the twenties, but I just turned 58 a few weeks ago", Heather told her and Anica gave her another smile before the lady started talking about the second world war. 
Please, don't tell me that she is going to ask me something about Hitler. Damn, I forgot everything that I've learned in school. Dang, I feel old. Two years ago I finished school and now a foreign lady is talking about the second world war. You better pretend you know what she is talking about.
Anica was deep into her thoughts, nodding whenever the lady said something that sounded like a question which earned Anica a few smiles from the lady. S., on the other hand, had enough fun keeping herself entertained while watching the cars passing them.

"You know many people here aren't really keen on talking to me", the woman said and Anica gave her an innocent smile. You don't say so.
"Why's that?"
"Because I like living my life. People in my age are usually quiet and let days passing by, but I like getting drunk and being loud", she explained while Anica nodded. 
"Well then they are stupid to not talking to you. I mean why don't they live a little. Having fun in life is better than just hiding away in houses", the words were out of Anica's mouth before she realized what she'd said and Heather gave her a warm smile. 
"You are a really nice person Anica", Heather said and Anica thanked her for her nice words again.
"Well there was a time in life where I hid in my house because I though and I was afraid that I might die because of cancer, but here I am having a nice conversation with a nice German girl", she joked and Anica returned her smile. What am I supposed to say? 
The second traffic lights finally turned green as the three of them quickly crossed the street, passing the parking lot in front of a little corner store.
"You know it is hard being old and alone", she said and a the woman started tearing up. 
Oh jesus christ, what am I supposed to do? I don't know her! How do people comfort strangers? Do I hug her? No I can't do that. Do I pat her awkwardly on the back? Damn. I am not good with feelings!
"My mother died shortly before my 58th birthday. She went through so much pain because of me and now she is gone", Heather said while tears rolled down her cheek and Anica stared at her awkwardly. Not knowing what to do. How to react. S. still had fun watching the cars passing by while Anica slowly laid a hand on the woman's shoulder, telling her that she was sorry for her loss.
"I am so sorry", Anica repeated herself and Heather smiled lightly.
"That's life isn't it?", Heather remembered Anica's words and Anica nodded quietly.
"Sad, but true", Anica replied and Heather smiled before stepping out of Anica's personal space, nodding softly while striking her tears away. 
"You are a really good soul Anica."
"Thank you."
Heather suddenly started talking about the time she dated a guy from a colored-skinned culture, revealing more details than necessary and Anica sighted relieved when S. finally started to mumbled words. Complaining why it took so long to get to the park. Heather noticed that little S. was getting restless, taking a few steps backwards, approaching the corner store before she turned around once more. 
"It was really nice talking to you Anica. Thank you for listening to me. That means a lot to me", the lady said her farewell with a wide smile on her face.
"It was nice meeting you. Have a good one", Anica spoke before she gave one last smile into Heather's direction until she finally made her way to the park.

The End.

Well, that's it. I still don't know what to think about this whole conversation with Heather. I mean yes she was really nice and lovely and I liked that I made her day by just listening to her, but it was so awkward that she cried in front of me and told me personal stuff. She basically revealed her whole life-story even though I was a complete stranger to her. Americans. 

That's it. I just wanted to let you know that sometimes you don't need to do a lot to make a person happy. Listening to people, giving advices or just offering help is what could make a person's day. I just witnessed it myself and even though she told me that I made her day, she caused a smile that still haven't disappeared from my face because it feels good to make people smile and be happy even if they're strangers. 
It's not like I would've told her anything about me because she was indeed a stranger and I don't easily trust strangers or open up to people, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't talk to her again. 
If there is no one you can talk to, then maybe you should start searching for me because I would listening to everyone if they need someone to listen to their story.

So whoever reads this blog. Maybe you get my message that it doesn't take much to make people happy. Spread happiness because who will be there for you if you need someone to talk to when you deny to listen?

Lot's of love.
xx Anica (the listener)

Jun 22, 2015

It felt like ages.

Hey there,
I know. I know. I KNOW!!! It felt like ages since I've updated last, but seriously nothing worth mentioning happened and I didn't want to bother you with boring bullshit, so save it and use those words for something more productive. (Like studying or what the F you enjoy to do :p)

Okay well, now what did I want to tell you.
Ah right.
So Saturday was my cluster-meeting and we decided (In case you've already forgotten, it's about meeting my Local Communicator and the other Au Pairs from my agency living in Houston) so back to the story: 
We decided to do some voluntary work and helped working in a Food-Bank for 3 hours. It was kind of fun though since we were packing senior boxes (ya know stuffing boxes with food) and I had - no doubt - the most exhausting job ever because I - yes I - stacked them and each frigging box was about 28 lbs (14 kg) and yes guess how many boxes we packed. 200? No. 300? NO! 400? NO. FREAKING 450 BOXES. Now multiply it with 28 LBS and you'll get a rough amount of what I was doing that day. 

Yeah, jesus christ, right?

Anyways, it was fun and it was for a good cause. :D

Today 6/22/15 
We've been to the zoo (again), but it was fun even though it was burningly hot outside. :D

I can't wait until I'm back and start working out properly because damn girls/boys those boxes really got me hard. 

Lot's of texan love.
xx Anica (Hulk-ina)

P.S.: I still haven't started to work on the Chicago video though. I just don't feel like it ya know? So maybe it will be up rather later than sooner or there won't be any video. #sorrybutnotsorry

Jun 4, 2015

From Heaven Down To The Basement.

Hey folks,
it's been quite a long time since I've last updated my blog and I am sorry (not really, but just go with it). Well, what happened?
Easy peasy answer to your question.

C H I C A G O. 

That happened. Yes! Be jealous!
Okay so. Anyways, I just totally forgot what I wanted to tell you. Ah right, Chicago. It started out phenomenal!
1) The flight was good.
2) I lived with Kristin's stepsister while she stayed over at her Aunt's.
3) I was off for 2 1/2 days in row because well. Look at Number 2. ;)

So I decided to explore Chicago by myself with all my free-time I'm not really used to. 

First day first. Tuesday afternoon.
I thought it might be a brilliant idea to explore the European neighborhood where Bonnie (the lovely stepsister of Kristin) lives. Turned out it wasn't quite the brilliant idea. Well, it started to really come down the moment I was outside for about 5 minutes. 
30 minutes later, I was soaked with water and decided to return back, spending my lovely free-time with reading. (No kidding it was no fun!)

Second day. Wednesday the 27th of May. 
Since Bonnie gave me really cool insider tips I decided to book a trolley-tour in order to see as much as possible of downtown Chicago. (Yep this might ring a bell in your smart little brain. I took a trolley-tour at Key West too!)
The tour was good though. The guide was hilarious and the stops were really lovely. Like I was able to take thousands (no not that many) pictures for you. :)

Third day. Thursday 28th of May. 
The weather was incredible, so I decided why don't I walk 1 hour to the closest beach? And that's what I did before my host dad picked me up so that I would stay at Kristin's aunt too. 

The next couple of days were good, even if I worked 10 and two 9 hours shifts for the last three days of the week, but well I guess I didn't complain though, because let me show you the view I woke up to at the new place.


Alright. So you maybe ask yourself: Anica what about your weird title? Well, let me explain. Irene's apartment (Aunt) was on the 57th floor of a huge skyscraper (heaven) and then after visiting the 50th marriage anniversary of my host dad's parents (and it was nothing like Bollywood, duh), I ended up living in the basement. Really. THE BASEMENT.

It wasn't the worst basement to be honest. I had three sofas and a hollywood swing, but it was freaking cold and every freaking morning someone came downstairs because the freezer was down there and let me tell you that those stupid stairs made the loudest noises ever. 

Anyways, the last four days were boring as hell. I worked more hours than they needed me because well. The big family stayed over at my host dad's parents because well that's Indian culture I supposed. (Which also caused me to be abandoned into the basement).

Whenever I was off, I tried to be outside (spent most of my time sitting on a bench at a lake and watching people exercising while I ate my fruit salads) since the weather was incredibly good. Sunny and not too hot. Just perfect. 

I guess that's it. I'm back in Houston and there are 111 days left until I am going to board the plane back to Germany. (Time flies!)

This entry is crap and I am sorry, but I am so freaking tired. 

I don't know when I'll start working on the video for you guys, I guess maybe next week, but be patient with me. (I lived in a basement!)

Lot's of love.
          Anica (basement-resident)

May 25, 2015

Floating away.

Hey folks,
so maybe you followed the news. We have a goddamn storm! Right now, it's 9:07 PM and I am sitting in my room getting ready to go to bed because I need to wake up at 5:30 AM in the morning to catch the flight to Chicago, but anyways, there is non stop lightening and thundering outside. NON STOP! Hell the water is just rushing down like crazy. 

I've only sent pictures to my family, but when I went for a walk two days ago there was a freaking tree blocking the street because he just broke in the middle of the tree trunk. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? Seriously. This is insane

The weirdest thing is that this happens from one second to the other. One second, it's lovely sunshine outside and everything is perfect and then BAAAAM to the other second, there is a freaking tornado hitting Houston. God damnit!

Hopefully, the storm is passing by until tomorrow in the morning. I'll pray that there is no weather changing while I am sitting in that plane. Don't want to die due to an airplane crash caused by weather difficulties. 

That's it.
Nothing's really happening here because of that FREAKING WEATHER!

Okay, I'm calm. *Inhaling and Exhaling deeply!*

See ya soon! xx (hopefully!)
Keep your fingers crossed.

          Anica (the one who's underwater)

May 12, 2015

Hundreds of Butterflies.

Hey you! Yeah, you beautiful human being!
How are you today?
Well, maybe you're already recognized it, but I am mighty fine. Indeed, I am very happy because my new phone came today (2 days earlier than expected!!!) and finally I don't have to deal with my cracked phone anymore (gonna repair the lovely baby in Germany)! :)

Today was okay, nothing special happened besides our small visit at the Nature Science Museum where we went to the bugs and butterfly center which was so lovely (obviously, only the butterflies were lovely though). 

Well and that's it. 
Enjoy the rest of the week and hopefully you've got not as many rain as I do.

Anica x

May 11, 2015

Living Zombie.

Hey there folks, 
so what's new up here in Houston?
I'm afraid to admit it, but there is nothing really new/exciting happening lately. :(
Working bloody morning shifts (starting at 6 in the morning) like my life depends on it (due to the fact that my HM doesn't feel very well in the mornings due to her pregnancy) which sucks, on the one hand, because it makes me look like a damn living zombie, but then, on the other hand, what don't you do for family, huh?

I am still working on the universal video - I swear - but I have the deep urge to film some intro videos for you guys and since I am looking like an overtired scarecrow, I decided to delay my filming on later, so please be patient the video will come up before I am leaving for Chicago! *Pinky Promise!!*

Here are the good news! There are only 133 days left until I am going to be back in Germany and believe me if I tell ya that shit is going to get doown! Like seriously. After my jet-lag I am so going to crash a party.
Oh some other great news: I finally have my weekend-off for this month! YAAY! God bless you for this miracle! (Even though I have a self defense class on Sunday for cluster meeting -.-")

That's it.
Lots of love! x

Anica (the zombie-ish scarecrow)

May 8, 2015

Cracked phone.

Hello there loves, 

so since nothing really worth mentioning happens lately (we've been to the zoo this week and yeah just really appreciating the lovely rainy weather outside - not.
BUT this morning, of course this happened early in the morning - around 7 AM my little baby girl S. just broke the display of my phone. It suuuckz. 

Fortunately, I wanted to buy a new phone anyways, but still I hoped this phone would survive until I am back in Germany, but well... I guess it will by looking really ugly even though it's still working completely fine! (Guess this is gonna be my emergency phone!) 

Guess that's it.
By the end of the year when I am sitting on the plane back to Germany, I hope there is nothing bad happening anymore because I think I've already dealt with enough issues lately. 

Lot's of love.
Enjoy your weekend because I don't have any. 

           Anica (walking disaster)

P.S.: Currently, I am working on the Universal Studios Video for you guys! Stay tuned!! :D

Apr 27, 2015

Called a hero.

Hey there folks, 

so my schedule is back to normal and I have to confess that I can't wait to be back in Germany because hell I miss my workouts (especially my gym) and soccer. I've never thought that I've might miss soccer since I've quit in February (so over one year now) because I just didn't feel the passion anymore, but hell the passion is back and I am so sad that I can't play here because let's me real all the soccer clubs here suck so badly!! (No joke!)

Since the weather was surprisingly good this morning, my little S. and I went for an one hour walk just around the neighborhood and guess what I've found on the sidewalk? 
Yep, right. An brand new iPhone 5
Of course, I've tried to unlock the cell phone in order to contact someone from the contact book (maybe there would have been someone called Mom or Dad or Brother or something like that), but the cell phone had a look even though it was still on and fully charged. (So you know the 4 digit password you need for unlocking the phone was on). 
BUT due to the fact that there was a lovely picture of a girl (I guess she's about 8 years?) in the background of the phone I was quite sure I've saw her face before. Yep, I just walked passed by them like 10 minutes ago so I quickly turned around, walking into the opposite direction of my destination and guess who I found? YES! I've found the little girl with her older brother (I guess he was between 10 and 12 years old), searching for the phone. When I called them while waving with the phone, they immediately ran towards me, hugging me and thanking me for finding the phone (well I just made their day!)
Feeling like a real hero, let me just quote our small conversation!

Boy: "Thank you Ma'am, thank you so much for finding the phone!"
Me: "Oh don't mention it!"
Girl: "Thank you Ma'am, you just saved my day!"
Boy: "That was really kind of you Ma'am, thank you so much!"
Me: "My pleasure!"
Girl: "You are a really nice person!"
Boy: "She's a hero!"

Well, obviously they exaggerated a little bit, but I didn't mind at all. Who doesn't love to be called a hero and a really nice person? 

So after saying our farewells, which included one last hug, little S. who watched the whole scene with a smirk on her face (yeah really she smirked!), and I finally arrived at home, chilling for the rest of the day. 

After watching some of my shows (and eating horribly bad and unhealthy), I am sitting here, writing my little adventure of being a hero while feeling bad for eating all that crap and trying to convince myself that this was just an excuse, but well we'll see. 

I guess that's it!
Let's hope that there are going to be some pictures this week since the weather is supposed to be really lovely after Wednesday. 

       Anica (Hero)

P.S.: I know that I am kinda annoying with all the bad nutrition and fitness stuff, but I can't help it. I don't know how I should resist all the temptations surrounding me while my host mom is baking every single day (Like she just baked chocolate cupcakes with a soft chocolate center and chocolate topping - heaven?!). There is one Au Pair from my Miami vacation giving me hope because she just told me that when I am back in Germany all the pounds I might gained here are going to disappear really quick again, because I'm getting back on track there and I hope she's right! I really hope she is!

Apr 22, 2015

Lost in Florida.

Hello folks,

Hope you had an amazing weekend and a great start into the new week. If you’re following this Blog (and you’re an active reader) then you probably know that I went to FLORIDA for six days and let me break this down for you: It was the most chaotic, fantastic and the funniest vacation I have ever had! Well thanks to the lovely girls I spent the vacation with!
But let’s start from the top. (It’s going to be less detailed because there are going to be videos for you guys where I am going to tell you about the vacation!)

Tuesday 4/16/2015: 
After waking up at 5 AM and taking an UBER (taxi) to the airport I was way too early and spent some time at the gate reading a book (the turn of the screw). Since I knew that Natalja would join me at the gate, I had a free seat right next to me, but then all of a sudden a boy sat down next to me. GREAT! (Not)

Well after Natalja arrived at the Gate it was boarding time and since I was boarding group 5 (hated it!) I was one of the last people being able to enter the plane. After switching my seat twice, I finally ended up sitting right next to Natalja which was incredibly amazing because well who doesn't want to sit next to a friend even though you booked your flights all on your own. We were so excited and ready to go, but then the pilot told us that there were some technical difficulties and that they need some mechanics to repair the cockpit (GREAT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR!). So after waiting for one whole hour, we finally speed off to MIAMI! YES!
At the airport we met Helena who joined us on our way to the hostel and let me tell you the hostel wasn't really fancy or anything like that. Actually, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wants to spend some time in Miami, but who cares right? When we arrived at the reception the boy behind it told us that we’re going to be split up which meant that Natalja and I shared a room, but unfortunately Helena needed to sleep in another room which was so weird (Second misfortune).
After having a great lunch at a cute little restaurant and after unpacking our whole luggage, we finally went to the beach and let me tell you that the beach is incredibly beautiful! Wow the water had the best temperature ever and this nice turquoise shade you see on pictures. Heaven!

Friday 4/17/2015:
Early morning and tired girls. That’s basically what describes this day the best. We booked a tour to Key West which meant that there was a bus going to pick us up at 6:30 AM. Due to an accident on a freeway (we just saw the dead body on the street which had been covered with just one yellow blanked), we needed to drive around the traffic which meant that our 4 hours ride ended up being a 6 hour drive, (Third misfortune).
Natalja and I, decided to take a trolley tour through Key West in order to see as much as possible from the cute island and for 25$ it was the best deal you could get! (I would totally recommend it!)

Since we spent the whole day at Key West and got back to the hostel at 11 PM, we decided to go to bed immediately because there was another tour waiting for us on Saturday!

Saturday 4/18/2015:
EVERGLADES! Jesus Christ. I was so nervous about this tour that I woke up with a huge smile on my face. (Crocodiles were the only thing that was on my mind!)
When the bus picked us up at 9 AM and drove us to the tour office where we booked our tour the fourth misfortune was already waiting for us. Somehow, we weren't on the list for the tour which was totally stupid because we've already been on the list to key-west and we booked and confirmed both tours at the same time, they were able to fix the problem and we went on a 1 h bus drive where we met other Au Pairs (one was from Germany and another one from France). Our tour included a drive on an air-boat and a wildlife show which was really funny.
The air-boat tour was great, but way too short and we've only been able to see 2 bigger crocodiles, 2 baby crocodiles, 1 bird (forgot the name) and some turtles, but the wildlife show was amazing! The guy who was responsible for the show was called Dan. Dan told us that we’re in a dangerous place since we sat in the first row of the wildlife show which meant that we were able to touch snakes and baby crocodiles (so not dangerous at all). Moreover, Dan showed us some tricks with one bigger crocodile and told us that he got bitten once in a show and that we could find the video in YouTube. (I immediately searched for it and he caught me searching the video which was hilarious! (It’s called: Dan gets bitten by alligator in wildlife show – it’s the first video in Google in case you want to see it.)

(Can you find the black, orange baby crocodile?)

Saturday was also our last day in Miami because we needed to take the bus to Orlando and there was already the fifth misfortune waiting for us because Helena’s luggage was lost for several minutes, but fortunately we found it in another room even though the girl behind the reception told us she would put it in the luggage room, but she didn't! (I gave her a bad review!!)
Our 5 hours bus tour to Orlando was great! Well, that’s what we thought since Verena who wanted to join us in Orlando called me and told me that the hostel we booked was in construction and that our reservation was lost. Well great! That meant that the moment we left the bus station we were homeless, walking through Orlando and we ended up sitting in McDonald's in the most dangerous neighborhood of Orlando. (Sixth misfortune!)
After calling another hotel very close to Disney-world which Natalja looked up before we managed to book a room for three nights and we were impressed that the hotel was cheaper than our hostel (we would have paid 240$ for the hostel at our arrival and our hotel was only 200$)!

Sunday 4/19/2015:
DISNEY-WORLD! Oh Jesus Christ. A child-dream came true. We spent the whole day in Disney-world and I can’t even describe how cute it was. Seeing performances and just walking through the park was incredible! I had the feeling that I was in several Disney movies which was insane!

After spending nearly 7 hours in Disney-world Natalja and I decided to take the early bus home (8:30 PM) because we were too exhausted, but the seventh misfortune was already waiting at the bus station because the stupid bus driver didn't tell us the right bus station we just missed the bus (and not only the two of us missed it) so we ended up calling UBER to take us to the hotel. Later that night Helena and Verena who decided to take the late bus (10:15 PM) told us that they've missed the bus too, so they ended up calling UBER to get to the hotel too which was hilarious!

Monday and Tuesday 4/20/2015 + 4/21/2015:
WOW. I've never thought that I would fall in love with a park, but I immediately did. The moment we entered the parks I was impressed because it was insane! You feel like you’re walking through different kind of worlds like Marvels, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Hollywood and Springfield etc.

IT WAS INSANE! The roller-coasters are amazing, the 3D simulations are just impressive and even the attraction where you’re just walking through are perfect! These two days were the most amazing days of my entire life (well at least some of the most amazing days of my life). To our great surprise there weren't many bad misfortunes besides the weather waiting for us until the very last ride in the Spider-man 3D simulator where Natalja and I were stuck in, but it was still funny because the people who drove the roller-coaster with 3D simulation with us were hilarious though!
If you ask me what I liked the best then I would tell you that the HARRY POTTER PARK (which is split up into both parks and is connected with a ride with the Hogwarts Express) was the most impressive thing I've ever seen in my life. Wow. I felt like I was right there, but besides that I really like the fact that the four of us were able to drive the roller-coaster in the dark (Mummy) three times in a row because we were basically the only ones driving! (The best roller-coaster ever!!!)

And that’s it!
It was a really chaotic, but still hilarious vacation and I am already missing the lovely ladies I shared those fantastic memories with.

More details are coming in the videos (Oh yeah right! Since I've filmed a LOT I decided to split the vacation video into smaller one’s which means that you’ll see more of the parks and more of me!) ;)

Lots of love.

                Anica (wizard)

P.S.: Due to the fact that my laptop is really old it's going to take a while to edit the videos so please be patient! :)