Bucket List

Jun 22, 2015

It felt like ages.

Hey there,
I know. I know. I KNOW!!! It felt like ages since I've updated last, but seriously nothing worth mentioning happened and I didn't want to bother you with boring bullshit, so save it and use those words for something more productive. (Like studying or what the F you enjoy to do :p)

Okay well, now what did I want to tell you.
Ah right.
So Saturday was my cluster-meeting and we decided (In case you've already forgotten, it's about meeting my Local Communicator and the other Au Pairs from my agency living in Houston) so back to the story: 
We decided to do some voluntary work and helped working in a Food-Bank for 3 hours. It was kind of fun though since we were packing senior boxes (ya know stuffing boxes with food) and I had - no doubt - the most exhausting job ever because I - yes I - stacked them and each frigging box was about 28 lbs (14 kg) and yes guess how many boxes we packed. 200? No. 300? NO! 400? NO. FREAKING 450 BOXES. Now multiply it with 28 LBS and you'll get a rough amount of what I was doing that day. 

Yeah, jesus christ, right?

Anyways, it was fun and it was for a good cause. :D

Today 6/22/15 
We've been to the zoo (again), but it was fun even though it was burningly hot outside. :D

I can't wait until I'm back and start working out properly because damn girls/boys those boxes really got me hard. 

Lot's of texan love.
xx Anica (Hulk-ina)

P.S.: I still haven't started to work on the Chicago video though. I just don't feel like it ya know? So maybe it will be up rather later than sooner or there won't be any video. #sorrybutnotsorry

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