Bucket List

Feb 25, 2015

Keeping you informed.

Hey there, 
so since the weather is not as good as I hoped it would be (it's cold and rainy) there is nothing much to say about my everyday life. Well, I guess I can tell you that I had a long weekend (I was also off on Monday) and that I've got hell of a lot split shifts this week, but I guess that's okay. (The only thing that's not okay is, is that I need to get up at 5:45 AM five times in a row -.-') I mean I would start later on Saturday, but we're leaving at 7:15 AM because our flight to Salt Lake City is around 9 AM. 
I'm excited because my host dad just told me that it's supposed to be incredibly beautiful where we are staying! *YEAH!*
I can't wait to see all the snow! I've missed it and I was kinda jealous that it was snowing in Germany when I wasn't there so I guess this is going to balance it out a bit!

Well, I guess that I'm going to upload again when I'm back in Houston and hopefully, I am going to show you some fantastic and mind-blowing pictures. (I PROMISE!!!)

Lot's of love.
See you soon!

           Anica (snow-conqueror)

P.S.: I'm thinking about making my first YouTube-video for you guys. (HOW CRAZY IS THAT?) Yes, I know that I wanted to start making videos for you since the first day I've arrived in the U.S., but somehow I wasn't really in the mood and yeah don't know there were always some excuses (bla bla), BUT I realized that I am taking it pretty serious with my blog (compared to my other blog) and I guess I could work on some more projects. (Just because I love you and really want you to feel like you're here with me and there is no better implementation that doing some videos!)


  1. Hey yo sweetheart: I'm waiting for a YouTube video since day 1 lol - you should totally upload one - whenever you have some time and don't feel too exaggerated ♥ man I know you wish for snow, salt lake city is the perfect place to go .... hope you'll enjoy it (I'm pretty sure you will) while I'm looking forward to take a sunbath in Germany haha. Seriously I need spring and summer.
    Love you and love reading your blog! You are truly an inspiration ♡♥♡
    Your Narges

    Ps: Ein Bild von einem schneemann darf nicht fehlen next time, den du dann dort bauen wirst ;)

    1. Hey sweety! Thanks love and the first video is going to be about Salt Lake City so there's definitely going to be a snowman in it! :) love youuu

  2. Yeaaahhh XD
    Can't wait ♥
    Love you too!!!

  3. Ohhhhhh! I'm not the only one who can't wait for you to upload a video! So girl, you better hurry up, I guess! :P
    I'm so excited. You should have taken tons of videos by now, but it's never too late to start doing so. ;)
    Love youuu, sweetheart. <3

    1. That's right! :) at least there is one on its waaay!! Love youuuu!! <3
