Bucket List

Feb 25, 2015

Keeping you informed.

Hey there, 
so since the weather is not as good as I hoped it would be (it's cold and rainy) there is nothing much to say about my everyday life. Well, I guess I can tell you that I had a long weekend (I was also off on Monday) and that I've got hell of a lot split shifts this week, but I guess that's okay. (The only thing that's not okay is, is that I need to get up at 5:45 AM five times in a row -.-') I mean I would start later on Saturday, but we're leaving at 7:15 AM because our flight to Salt Lake City is around 9 AM. 
I'm excited because my host dad just told me that it's supposed to be incredibly beautiful where we are staying! *YEAH!*
I can't wait to see all the snow! I've missed it and I was kinda jealous that it was snowing in Germany when I wasn't there so I guess this is going to balance it out a bit!

Well, I guess that I'm going to upload again when I'm back in Houston and hopefully, I am going to show you some fantastic and mind-blowing pictures. (I PROMISE!!!)

Lot's of love.
See you soon!

           Anica (snow-conqueror)

P.S.: I'm thinking about making my first YouTube-video for you guys. (HOW CRAZY IS THAT?) Yes, I know that I wanted to start making videos for you since the first day I've arrived in the U.S., but somehow I wasn't really in the mood and yeah don't know there were always some excuses (bla bla), BUT I realized that I am taking it pretty serious with my blog (compared to my other blog) and I guess I could work on some more projects. (Just because I love you and really want you to feel like you're here with me and there is no better implementation that doing some videos!)

Feb 21, 2015

A colorful experience.

Hey hello there, 
how are you? I hope you're fine and you had an amazing start into your weekend because I had an adorable start into mine because today was the 5K COLOR RUN *yeah* and let me tell you that the color run was pretty impressive even though most of the people weren't running! There was a small stage with a DJ who played really good music (clubbing music) and since we arrived there at 9:25 AM we started with the last wave and ran/walked the 5K (I still think that these weren't 5K because it was really short though, but who cares)! 

After that there was an after-run party where the DJ played music and they threw color packages into the crowd in order to get everyone even more colored which was really amazing. The girls I went with and I, we each had one more package and went pretty crazy at the very end of the party! :) 

I really loved the color run!
See you soon!
           Anica (the colored one)

(A huge thanks to those girls who made
this day becoming a lovely new memory!)

Feb 20, 2015

Colored excitement!

Hello there,
so my week was pretty busy due to the fact that my host mom  had her 12 h shift on Monday and then attended on conferences the last few days so this time I had the whole time I was child-caring for my little S. with her alone. (Which was pretty amazing!)
That's why there is no entry because nothing really special happened in that time and after work I was just too lazy and too tired to go out and the weather isn't really the best lately. (It's supposed to rain the whole following week and on the weekend which sucks!)
Today I went to Academy Sports + Outdoors center in order to get our (three friends and mine) packages for our 5k Color Run tomorrow which is basically a 5k run (you can decide whether you want to run or you can also walk) with HOLY COLOR so while you are running/walking you can throw color at each other and there several fountains where color is going to spread all over the place so you're going to be colored from head to toe! And I think even though it's supposed to rain and there is also a storm brewing it's definitely going to be fun! 

And that's it! I'm so excited!
Hope y'all will have an amazing weekend! 
See you soon!

Feb 15, 2015


Hello there,
how was your weekend? I hope you'd a lot of FUN and you enjoyed valentine's day (well I spend mine with my lovely little S. does that count?). 
On Friday 2-13-2015 we drove off to DALLAS! 
After 4 1/2 hours car drive (it sucked) we arrived at one of the most amazing hotels I've ever been. It was so huge and there was a huge roofed indoor yard with a river walk and tons of flowers, trees, water and an indoor pool connected with a gym. Moreover, there was a non roofed yard outside with an outdoor pool, tons of trees, flowers and water which was so lovely!

(That is the indoor yard! Amazing right?)

(And this is outdoor! So lovely! It reminded me of a castle!)

(This is a part of the restaurant at the river walk which 
somehow reminds someone of Italy, right?!)

(This is what the hotel looks like from the outside!)

(And this ladies and gentlemen is the lake connected to the hotel)

And that's it.
Actually, I didn't do that much because my whole Saturday was child caring for little S. from 8 AM until 6 PM. Didn't have a chance to see downtown DALLAS, but maybe I am going to get back there really soon. Some of my Au Pair friends are planning to go there and asked me whether I want to join them and HELL YEAH I would love to! 

See you soon!
Lot's of Texan love.

          Anica (Cowgirl)

Feb 10, 2015

Park Ride

Hello there beautiful people,
today was a lovely day with amazing weather including sun, wind and 22 degree Celsius. So since I've only worked this morning from 6-9 AM I decided to join my host mom and my little S. to the nature center in Memorial Park and it was really cute and it's so cool that you feel like you're at a Safari even though you are still in your neighborhood and although I forgot my camera at home I still took some pictures with my phone for y'all!

(I needed to show you these cute turtles!)

After coming home from the nature center and the lovely hiking trails it was only 1 PM so I decided to eat a piece of that delicious apple pie my host mom made and after that I told myself that I need to exercise to balance my bad snack out so I went for a bike ride which took me nearly 2 hours through downtown Houston where I needed to walk for 15 minutes, but then I checked out 3 different parks. 

First, Sam Houston Park.

Awesome, right?

Second, Eleanor Tinsley Park

Third, Buffalo Bayou Park.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures
for this park, but just because I am going
to attend on a boat trip through that park
in future and then I will take tons of pictures!

And that was my day! 
Since it's only 6:15 PM I still have some time left to enjoy and relax and tomorrow is going to be another amazing day! This week is so much fun due to the fact that we are heading off to DALLAS this weekend! AMAZING!

Stay continued! 
Lot's of love.
            Anica (wannabe park ranger)

Feb 8, 2015

Discovery Green Cluster

Hello there,
I hope that you're fine! 
So today is Sunday 2-8-2015 and I have another cluster meeting at Discovery Green Park in downtown Houston! Since the weather was adorable (20 degree, sunshine combined with a cold breeze) I decided to bicycle downtown which was actually a great workout (nearly 1.5h workout in total). Seeing the other Au Pairs, talking to them and talking to my LCC was really amazing, but the best part was that we had a lovely guide showing us the whole park and telling us something about Discovery Green. She was a really lovely, older lady and she really did a great job keeping the tour exciting! 
So here are some unedited pictures for you! (BE JEALOUS! :P)

(I actually thought that this 
looks like a huge mirror)

(This is the field of lights. There are hundreds of
lights with different colors when it's getting dark
outside and you can just walk through them!)

(This flower looks like a bird!)

And that's it!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend!
See you soon!
Lot's of love.


(I stole that picture from our cluster meetings website
so excuse the weird editing!)

P.S.: I am so annoyed by the fact that I can't really plan my fitness routine because my schedule changes every damn single week and next week I am working 25 out of my 45 hours on the weekend which sucks. I guess I just need to try to do some Pilates and stick to eating super healthy and clean (70% nutrition). 

Feb 6, 2015

American Breakfast

Hello there,
so since my shifts are really weird this week and I was too busy with my fitness routine (which basically changes every damn single day) I finally explored something new this morning. :) *Hooray*

Today is the 2-6-2015 and this morning at 10:30 AM my host mom decided to meet up with Auntie E. again and that means that we finally get out of house again since the weather was horrible the last few days. She told me that we are going to eat breakfast at the most popular restaurant in downtown Houston called "The Breakfast Klub" (yes it's written with a 'k') and she also told me that there isn't really healthy breakfast because well it's America. When we arrived at the restaurant we needed to stand in a line outside to wait until we were allowed to get inside which is really weird and annoying, but well.. I guess I didn't have another option.
The restaurant was really cute (and expensive) and she was right there was nothing that looked healthy to me so I decided to order french toast (2 slices) with scrambled eggs and fortunately, S. ate one of my two french toasts. 
It was lovely to listen to my host mom and Eunice talking about random stuff while I was having fun with my little baby girl S. 

Since I didn't have the chance to take some pictures from the restaurant due to the fact that there were so many people in there I tried to take some pictures of Houston while my host mom was driving to our meeting spot. 

(I though that this was cute though)

(I actually have no idea what that is, 
but I though it was worth a shot so you're welcome! :p)

And that's it!
I hope you'd an amazing Friday and that you'll enjoy the weekend! 
Lot's of love.

P.S.: I finally decided to stop forcing me to go running because I just don't have the same passion about it when I am living here. So my schedule looks like this: 30 minutes cardio (whatever I want to do) at least 3 times a week and following the blogilates calendar (I am trying the beginners calendar and one week is done and after that I am going to switch to the monthly calendars!) and yeah that's it.

P.S.S.: Do you remember in movies when usually small boys on their bicycles are throwing the newspaper in front of the houses? Well when I went for a walk with my little S. I saw a white car slowly driving along the street and someone threw newspapers out of the window. Can you even imagine how disappointed I was? I mean I didn't quite think that I would see a small boy on his bicycle (well yes I did), but at least I thought someone would be more active delivering the newspapers instead of throwing them out of a car. 
Well I guess, that's America, huh?

Feb 3, 2015

American Offices suck

Hello there,
first of all I hope that y'all had a good start into February and that you enjoy the second month of the year 2015!
Second, sorry but there won't be any cute pictures in this entry I just felt like I need to write an entry to show you that I am still alive and active on my blog even though nothing special happened since my last entry. (It's kinda rainy so I don't have that many possibilities to explore something spectacular.)
BUT today I decided to accompany my German Au Pair friend Nadja to the Drivers License Office I went to get my drivers ID and we waited two whole hours to hear that she didn't have the right papers which is ridiculous and stupidly dumb on the same time because she actually nearly got all the papers I had to apply for my ID, but okay FINE f*ck you office!
So we went back to my home and I just relaxed to forget the stupid time investment of the day since it was kinda nice to talk to Nadja about weird stuff and life.

So and that's it. The weather is supposed to get better soon and hopefully I am going to be able to explore something with you guys! :)
See you soon!
Lots of love <3
           Anica (annoyed as f*ck)

P.S.: At least I went running two times in a row and did my pilates (FITbruary you start good!)